woman in dark

"How to Be an imgBee Rockstar: The Unofficial, Slightly Snarky Guide to Not Being 'That Guy'"

  1. Be Cool, Don't Be a Jerk: imgBee is like a big dinner party. Don't throw food at people. Bullying and hate or gore images? Yeah, that's a one-way ticket to Banville.
  2. Privacy is King: Don’t go airing someone’s dirty laundry, especially if it’s not yours. Revealing personal details or sharing someone's scandalous selfies? Big no-no. Keep the creep factor to zero.
  3. Kids are Off Limits: Anything even remotely shady involving minors? Just don’t. It’s not only super wrong, but it’s also mega illegal. Think creepy uncle vibes but worse.
  4. No Identity Theft, Please: You can be a mysterious internet ninja, just don’t pretend to be someone else. Catfishing is for dating shows, not imgBee.
  5. Label Your Stuff: If you’re posting something that would make your grandma blush or cover her eyes, slap a NSFW label and rating on it. Let’s not surprise people with the unexpected. Stuff that's not marked like that will be deleted by our mods.
  6. Keep it on the Right Side of the Law: If it’s illegal in real life, it’s illegal on imgBee. Don’t be the sketchy guy in the digital trench coat offering shady deals.
  7. Don’t Wreck the Playground: Let’s keep imgBee running smoother than a buttered slip ‘n slide. No hacking, glitching, or digital shenanigans that ruin everyone’s fun.